06 juni 2008

The Eagle

He clasped the crag with crocked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thundebolt he falls.

- Alfred Tennyson

04 juni 2008

My Darling

I met my darling a warm night in august. Our eyes
met across the room and I knew that we always would
be together.
He warm lips embraced me as I called her name, Patricia.

She was of a noble family, I came from poverty.
Still our love had no boundries.
Her father forbid her to se me, told her I was trash.
That night we met in the moonlight under london bridge.
My body acing with disire, hers with passion.
As the morning broke we made time stop, for a moment.

Her father came to se me. Told me he would kill me
I if ever touched her again.
That night, she climbed through my window.
Fragile like a leaf but as beautiful as a rose.
She wispered in my ear, I will allways have you near.

Then he came, just like he had promised.
With men and guns. He chase through the narrow
streets untill I was trapped. Then he fired a single shot
to my heart and I fell, to never rise again.
He used an axe to chop my head of and he burned my
body so nothing would remain.

But my darling, my fragile rose, found my grave and
dug my head up. Gently she carried it wrapped in silk
to her bedroom.
Placed me in the chest in the corner, the one her father
gave her on her birthday.

The she whispered in my ear, I will always have you near.

My darling, Patricia.

It's alive

Herregud den lever!

Vad är detta, kanske någon undrar? Denna blogg skulle ju läggas ner.
Begravas. Långt under betong, jord och annat skrot.
Få en påle nedkörd genom bröstet.

Nå jag antar att jag är sentimental. Jag antar att jag har svårt att
släppa taget om saker. Jag antar att jag har fått storhetsvansinne
som tror att jag kan hålla två separata bloggar vid liv.

Endast tiden vet.


A Kiss

Give me a kiss, I told my sweetheart, and she gave me one.
It was wet and warm, my heart jumped.
I took that kiss and buried it, in a box filled with things
of importance. Old thoughts and memories of a past before
today when love did not exist only on the internet.
My first dance with the lovely girl from next door.
Summer nights of exitement and joy. When I learned to
ride a bike. They are all covered in dust but they are still
Someday I will dig that box up and become young again,
then I will die, with my sweethearts kiss on my lips.


Once I had a friend and he's name was Josh.
He was a pink elephant and lived under my bed.
You could only imagine the joy and adventures
we had together.
Josh would tell me stories late into the night when
darkness embedded the country.
Every time I was sad Josh would comfort me and
tell me things would be alright. Through happiness
and sadness, Josh was there.

When Josh told me to get a gun I didn't hesitate.
He showed me how to use it and sad that people
are evil, and all he ever spoke was truth.

That night I went down to the mall and I took the
gun. Josh stod beside me and as I fired it he laughed,
a devils laugh, and so did I for it was the right thing to

Now I have walls around me, windows with bars. They
called me an animal and sentenced me to life.
But Josh will get me out, I know he will.

He has just gone on a vacation.